February 20, 2020
– Guests: Dustin Barnes, Communications Coordinator for the North Little Rock School District; Dawson Teague, High School Student | The North Little Rock School District is currently registering students during its School Choice through May 1st, 2020. Students outside of the NLR School District are eligible for School Choice. NLRSD offers its students well-rounded academic, extracurricular, and social experiences, in its diverse student body and distinguished alumni. For more information on School Choice and the NLRSD, visit www.nlrsd.org or call 501-771-8000 or visit them on Facebook.
– Guests: Arlo Washington, President of People Trust | The mission of People Trust, a non-profit 501c(3) organization that promotes community development by providing financial support and literacy for communities that would not otherwise receive it. They provide access to capital through consumer loans; small business loans to the disadvantage, women owned, & minority led businesses; and financial education & technical assistance to entrepreneurs. For more information, call 501-404-4857 or email peopletrust@providingequalopportunities.org or visit www.peopletrustloans.org.
– Guests: Dr. Patricia Griffen, Project Director and Cary Crawford, President of the Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals | The Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals hosts “100 Years of Psychology by Arkansas Black Psychologists,” Friday, February 28th from 9am-4pm at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock. Keynote speaker for this centennial commemoration will be Clinical Psychologist and member of the Little Rock nine, Dr. Terrance Roberts with another member of the Little Rock nine, Minniejean Brown Trickey being honored for her work in social justice. Lunch will be provided at this free event. Register online at www.eventbrite.com or http://bit.ly/100YearsARBlackPsych.